Singapore, November 21st 2014 – foodpanda (, along with EasyVan, is planning to invade Lau Pa Sat and Amoy Food Centre on the fourth week of December. Armed with packed tissues, they will place them on all the tables to remind Singaporeans’ habits of reserving seats.
What will you do if all the seats in the entire food centre are “reserved”? This is what foodpanda and EasyVan - a mobile application used to book van and lorry services anytime, anywhere in Singapore - will find out when they display their packaged tissues on all tables. What will be our reaction? Singaporeans’ food centre habits and customs are deeply rooted in our culture. Here are some quirks we have that annoy us and yet make us laugh.
- The best food is where the queue is (or not!)
- Using tissue papers, newspaper, name cards and even umbrellas to “reserve” seats
- The lack of tissues and napkins
In the early days, dining at hawker centres was not favourable, however, now all Singaporeans and even tourists crave for this kind of experience. A proof of that is the inclusion of numerous food centres on international touristic guides.
Even if air conditioned food courts in malls are a preferred choice for many, local food centres continue to thrive and we will see if the foodpanda and EasyVan tissue invasion will give us a dose of our own medicine – by making us laugh and have a bright day!
About foodpanda/hellofood
foodpanda together with its affiliated brands hellofood and Delivery Club, is the leading global online food delivery marketplace, active in more than 40 countries on five continents. The company enables restaurants to become visible in the online and mobile world and provides them with a constantly evolving online technology. For consumers, foodpanda/hellofood offer the convenience to order food online and the widest gastronomic range, from which they can choose their favorite meal on the web or via the app. foodpanda operates in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia and Serbia. hellofood operates in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Nigeria, Morocco, Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Algeria. Delivery Club operates in Russia.
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